The Attorney-General and Acting Premier Vickie Chapman MP has announced the appointment of Patrick O'Sullivan QC as a judge of the District Court of South Australia. The Attorney's announcement is as follows:
"A highly respected Queen’s Counsel with a background in both international and local commercial law has been appointed as South Australia’s newest District Court judge.
Attorney-General Vickie Chapman today announced Patrick O’Sullivan will begin work with the District Court on August 27, replacing retiring Judge Steven Millsteed QC.
“Patrick O’Sullivan QC has more than two decades of experience in the law at both a local and international level,” she said.
“Working in construction and engineering law, he has been involved in major infrastructure projects including the $60 million Flinders Medical Centre Private Hospital development while – at an international level – he has appeared as Senior Crown Counsel for the Hong Kong Government in Hong Kong’s High Court and Court of Appeal.
Patrick O’Sullivan QC
“He is a past President of both the Australian Bar Association and the South Australian Bar Association and I think he will make an excellent contribution to the District Court.”
Ms Chapman also paid tribute to Mr Millsteed, whose resignation takes effect at the end of this week, thanking him for his contribution to the District Court over the past 14 years."
Mr O'Sullivan will be sworn in as a District Court judge on Monday 27 August 2018 and welcomed by the profession at a ceremony on Wednesday 29 August 2018 at 9.30am.